Enterprise Edition

In addition to the free OpenWGA CMS Community Edition Innovation Gate offers a subscription based vendor supported enterprise edition.
OpenWGA Enterprise Edition is the ideal CMS application plattform for business critical web applications like cooperate website or enterprise portals.

Based on the same source code as the community edition OpenWGA Enterprise Edition is delivered with additional components important for business applications and with additional services for customers.

Enterprise Services

Innovation Gate offers free professional OpenWGA CMS Runtime support for all OpenWGA Enterprise Edition installations. Ask our sales team for the different service level agreements.

In addition to the free runtime support we offer CMS developer support and consulting services to all enterprise customers.

Profit from the experience of the Innovation Gate developer team who created and maintained hundreds of CMS web applications over the past years. Profit from the direct access to the product developers.

Enterprise Add-Ons

In addition to our professional services the OpenWGA enterprise edition is delivered with additional components important for business critical web infrastructures:

  • Advanced Secure Cluster Management
  • The integrated Hazelcast based cluster management framwork. does not only support secure cluster communication and distributed task execution. It also comes with its own integrated session replication with optimized resource handling.
  • Repository Implementations for Lotus Domino, DB2, Oracle
    Use the DBMS platform you trust and you are familiar with and profit from its specific advantages.
    Use another database server? Contact us - we will see what we can do for you.
  • Database Connector for Lotus Domino
    Use OpenWGA to "web enable" your Domino applications.
    Integrate any Lotus Domino view or document into your web application and create documents in any Domino database using the OpenWGA API.
  • CMIS Client and Server implementations
    Integrate contents from any CMIS-Repository in OpenWGA websites or reuse OpenWGA maintained contents in other CMIS enabled business applications.
  • integrated XSLT processor, XHTML generator and HTTP-Post client
  • Authentication via LDAP, Novell e-directory, MS Active Directory and Lotus Domino
    Reuse you existing user directory as authentication base for your web applications.
  • Single-Sign-On with Microsoft Windows using SPNEGO
  • Single-Sign-On with Lotus Domino
  • Access Logging into MySQL Database
    including an application to analyze web traffic
  • Fulltext Analyzer for File Attachments (txt, xml, html, pdf, MS-Office, OpenOffice)
  • Content Store (repository) Synchronisation between Authoring and Live System
  • Content Sharing via WebDAV
    Build modern document management applications with OpenWGA
  • Service Interface for OpenWGA Web services
    This includes calling WebTML actions via web service
  • Certified MySQL/Tomcat based Cluster Architecture
    ... including java based UI for cluster management
  • Dynamic PDF Generation using Apache FOP
  • Dynamic Generation of ZIP Archives
  • Content Approval Workflow


OpenWGA Enterprise Edition is licensed per server on a yearly subscription basis.