When a new version of OpenWGA developer studio is released you normally can upgrade your existing studios using the internal upgrade functionality. Exceptions from this are when the new studio version is based on a newer Eclipse base version than your old studio, which is explained with the new version in that case.
In order to upgrade run your old studio and find the menu item called "Check for updates" in menu "Help":
When using this item it will try to find updates on the internet. After some time the result should be a dialog like this one:
Depending on your installation you may see more upgrade items here. Sometimes they even conflict with your existing studio version and make installation of the complete set impossible, which is shown in a message at the top of the dialog. In that case just uncheck all upgrade items exception for the studio and click "Next" nevertheless.
On the next step you might need to accept some licenses of the delivered updates. Just check "I accept..." and click "Finish":
After downloading updates a final warning message may appear before installation which you can simply confirm via "OK" button:
This will now install the updates automatically. When asked you should restart the studio for the changes to be effective, which concludes the update procedure.