Obtaining sources

Since version 7.2 the source code of the OpenWGA community edition is available on GitHub:


There are two branches on GitHub:

  • "develop" is the branch we are developing in. This branch contains the newest changes - tested locally but not released yet.
  • "master" ist the branch containing released code. If you want to build your own OpenWGA from source code check out the master branch.

Because we changed the OpenWGA build process to use gradle it should be very easy to generate your own OpenWGA system. Just check out the master branch from GitHub and run "./gradlew clean build".

OpenWGA plugins

All source code for OSS-licensed OpenWGA CMS plugins is in fact already contained in the plugin file itself. Use a zip archiving tool to unzip the contents of the .wgaplugin file (which is actually a zip-compressed archive). What you will get is an OpenWGA design directory containing all the sources that make up the plugin codebase.