Application Sample

Summary and things to try

The target of this tutorial was to give you an overview of how to create a typical CRUD application with OpenWGA.

We explained the WebTML portlet and action concept and suggested to use HDBModel to create, update or delete documents inside the OpenWGA document repository.

You might want to know more about some of the topics outlined here. The best resource for in-depth information is the OpenWGA documentation library. Here you find various references and guides for all topics we talked, about for example:

If you are not yet willing to leave the application example, here are some things you might want to try out with it:

  • View the document structure in DB-Explorer: The DB-Explorer gives a better impresson of how the data stored to your database is really organized. Open the OpenWGA Admin Client, navigate to Menu "Tools -> DB-Explorer" and choose the name of your example application under "Database explorer for database". You will be shown a hierarchical view where you can select each document in the database and have a closer look at the data it holds.
  • Try to create additional WebTML labels: Not every text on the example is already labelled. For example the text "View addresses" right on top of "mode-view.tml". Mark the text, then do a right-click and select "Create Label" from the menu. You will be given the ability to define a key for your new label, after that the text will be automatically replayed with a <tml:label> tag while the text was written to the label definition file. Open it via "control-click" again. You might want to define it for another language by manually adding it to the "" file of the in another "labels_<langcode>" container folder.
  • Add fields to the form: Copy/Paste a field definition in "form.tml", determine your own field name and try out some other types and possibilties of <tml:input>. Add data for your additional fields to the example records in "create-demo-addresses.tmlscript". Modify the event scripts in "address.tmlscript" to calculate the title from some of your additional fields.