OpenWGA on Windows

Installing WGA

Now copy the openwga-5.x.x.war file to the "webapps" directory of your Tomcat installation and rename it to ROOT.war. This way it will be the root application of your Tomcat server.

Delete the prior root application (Tomcat's welcome page) by deleting the "ROOT"-directory inside the "webapps" directory. Otherwise Tomcat will not deploy OpenWGA.

Installing the required additional Libraries

Unpack the additional libraries and copy them to the "lib" directory of your Tomcat installation.

Starting the Server

Now start Tomcat by either using the Start button in the "Configure Tomcat" application or using the Windows Services control panel.

Start a browser and browse to http://localhost:8080 to access the OpenWGA Welcome Page with instructions on the next steps.

Entering the setup assistant (since OpenWGA 5.3)

The OpenWGA Welcome Page will eventually lead you to the server setup assistant. This will help you in performing the first steps that are neccessary to get going.

If not - you may be using an older OpenWGA version - then you may directly access the OpenWGA admin client under URL:


You will need to login with an OpenWGA administration login. Every OpenWGA server installation comes preinstalled with one admin login:

Username: admin
Password: wga

You can - and should - change this in OpenWGA admin client before publishing your OpenWGA runtime, at best directly after installation.